Sea container complaints
Sea container complaints

Sea container complaints

Sea container complaints

Complaints about non-compliant sea containers.
Last updated on: 07 October 2021

Urgent requests

  • If a container is on a road or verge and posing a hazard, please report it the City by calling 1300 4 CANNING (1300 422 664).  
  • This will allow an officer to respond with the highest priority.


Sea containers require prior approval from Council before they can be placed on any property developed or zones for residential purposes and are required to meet the following provisions of City Policy LP.12 Outbuildings and Sea Containers:
4 - Sea Containers in residential areas
  • a) Sea containers have the potential to adversely impact the visual amenity of residential areas and are therefore not acceptable on lots developed or zoned to allow for Residential purposes which are less than 2,000m2 in area.
  • b) Subject to Clause 4 a) above, 1 sea container may be permitted to be stored on properties developed for Residential purposes, subject to the following conditions:
  • i. The container shall be no longer than 6m
  • ii. The container shall not be located forward of the main building line of the associated dwelling, and shall be screened from view of the street, including secondary streets
  • iii. The container shall be set back from the side and rear boundaries of the site in accordance with the requirements of the R-Codes
  • iv. The sea container shall be painted in a colour that is similar to or complementary to the colour of existing buildings on the property or the prevailing landscape
  • v. With the exception of an approved Home Occupation, the container shall not be used for any commercial or industrial purpose. The area of any approved Home Occupation shall not exceed 20m2 in total
  • vi. Sea containers shall not be used for human habitation.
  • c) Sea containers with an integrated refrigeration unit are not permitted on properties developed or zoned to allow for Residential purposes anywhere within the local government.
  • d) The local government reserves the right to instruct a landowner to remove a sea container from land in the local government if any or all of the above conditions are not adhered to.
  • e) A sea container is classed as new development, and accordingly will be required to meet all relevant requirements of the Building Code of Australia.

Road or verge

The City does not permit the storage of sea containers on the road or verge.

Issues with neighbours

  • People are sometimes unaware that their activities are causing a problem.
  • The City encourages all residents and business operators to talk to their neighbours about problems before making a complaint.
  • For supporting information on resolving disputes with neighbours, please click here

Anonymous requests

  • This type of request cannot be anonymous.
  • Contact details are required when lodging this type of issue to ensure a proper investigation can be completed. It also provides the City with the ability to clarify information to ensure officers have a safe working environment.
  • Personal information is not disclosed to any person without consent.

Raise a request

  • To raise a request for sea containers, click below.
  • An officer will action the request within five (5) working days. This includes contacting you to clarify the nature of the complaint, checking on any possible safety risks for City staff and explaining the complaint process.
  • Your contact details are required when lodging this issue to ensure a proper investigation can be completed.